Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Island Transport issues a threat to the West Cornwall Economy

Even before BIH announced the closure of its helicopter service to the islands the tourism engine that is the Isles of Scilly was faltering with visitor numbers declining in the face of high transport costs and competition for other quality holiday destinations.  The first 6 weeks without the helicopter service has identified new problems both for the community in the winter and the health of the tourism economy in 2013.  Chief amongst these concerns for West Cornwall (and the islands) in the short to medium term is getting a more durable runway for Lands End Airport.

Dick Cliffe, Chamber Chairman, explains some of the implications of current transport problems below.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Penzance is lauching its own Discovery Map to promote the Town to residents and visitors alike. The lauch will take place on the 11th of December at the Queens Hotel in Penzance at 7.00 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together all those interested in promoting Penzance and especially those who can bring something of value to the map project - knowledge, skills, or sponsorship!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Chamber Committe Meeting on Tuesday 4 Dec 12 (7.30 pm)

 The Chamber's monthly Committee meetings takes place on Tue 4 December at 7.30 pm in the Wharfside Centre Conference Room (top floor - follow signs for 'Management Office'). 

The agenda for the meetings is here.

All Committee meetings are open meetings and members are welcome to attend. Prospective new members also encoureged to attend.   

The agenda will include an update on what is happening with the Coinagehall and Gasworks site proposals as well as the launch of the Discovery Map Project and IOS transport issues.

The January 2013 meeting will take place on Tue 8 January (same place, time to be confirmed).