The next Chamber Committee meeting takes place at 17.45 on Tuesday 7 January 2014 in The Workbox, Pz360 (Penlowarth House - 4th floor). All Committee Meetings are open meetings and members are welcome to attend.
The agenda can be found: here
Prospective new members can attend by invitation - please just email the Secretary for an invitation (
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
![]() |
Click here for full poster |
Parking is free in all public car parks from 4 pm on Thursday 12th (and the 19th) for late night Christmas Shopping. Parking is free all day on Saturdays in Penzance public car parks until Christmas (applies to 14th and 21st Dec).
Monday, 2 December 2013
December Committee Meeting 3 Dec 5.45 pm.
The Chamber Committee meeting for December takes place on Tuesday 4 Dec at 5.45 in the The Workbox (fourth floor) Pz360 (Penlowarth House). Committee meetings are open meetings and members are welcome to attend. Prospective members are also welcome but should contact the Chairman for an invitation (
The agenda is attached here
The agenda is attached here
Friday, 29 November 2013
Falmouth BID renewed for another 5 years
Following a ballot of businesses ending 28 Nov, the Falmouth BID has been renewed for a further 5 year term. The ballot turnout was 58%, with 87% of businesses voting in favour. The vote in favour by rateable value was 86%. When the BID first kicked off in 2009 the majority was 70%. Falmouth BID has clearly been delivering what most local businesses want and the levy is seen as offering value for money.
The Penzance BID is under development with a public launch event expected on the 12 Feb 2014 followed by consultations with businesses, preparation of a BID prospectus (a 5 year programme of projects) and finally a ballot at the end of 2014.
The Penzance BID is being managed by the Penzance BID Steering Group chaired by Marcus Wilkinson (Alfred Smiths).
Thursday, 28 November 2013
BBC Mini-documentary focusses on Penzance
Penzance business reps were put through a Dragon's Den style grilling
by Bill Grimsey (of Grimsey Report fame) yesterday as part of a BBC
mini-documentary for Inside Out. The
theme was Town Centres and the tone definitely dystopian. The producer lapped up the The Ritz which was
looking especially grim against a grey sky.
Penzance business community was represented by Marcus Wilkinson
(Alfred Smiths), Dick Cliffe (Chamber Chairman), Emily Kavanaugh (Pure Nuff Stuff) and Kieth Bell
(Travers Bell Architects). The team
established a good report with Bill Grimsey but one can only guess what will
survive editing. The other towns in the documentary are Liskeard (Portas
winner) and Totnes.
Penzance Promotional Flyer to be available tomorrow.
A flyer promoting what's on in Penzance is at the printers and will be distributed to retail outlets tomorrow (Friday). A new website (smartphone compatible) has been created to bring together in one place events in Penzance. The URL is
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Penzance Promotional Xmas Flyer under Development
Having secured free parking on Saturdays (all day) and Thursdays (from 4 pm) in the run up to Christmas, the business community need to promote it along with all of the various events going on in the Town. Above is the logo. We expect the flyer to be ready for printing by the end of Wed 27th Nov. The print run will depend on how helpful supermarkets are prepared to be distributing them. The flyer will be supported by a website with a similar domain name (site under construction). More information to follow soon.
Friday, 22 November 2013
Free Parking days agreed for Penzance Xmas Shoppers
Early application of Sainsbury's Section 106 funds to provide Free parking all day on Saturdays and on Thursday evenings in Penzance in the run up to Christmas has been agreed following an initiative by the Chamber, local Cornwall Councillors and Penzance Town Council.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Penzance Sainsburys Superstore opens.
Sainsburys Penzance (CGI image) |
The Penzance Sainsburys superstore opened on Wednesday 13 November having been erected in little over 6 months. The £30+ million investment in Penzance represents a vote of confidence by Sainsburys in Penzance's future as a retail centre. The new store is the second largest in Cornwall after Truro. The investment appears to have stimulated interest in Penzance from other stores as Edinburgh Wollen Mills has been advertising for staff to open a store in Penzance and Furniture World has opened up in the old Barn Club premises, adjacent to Tesco's. There have been enquiries from the The Range regarding premises in Long Rock.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Chamber Meeting for 13 Nov 2013 Cancelled
The Chamber meeting scheduled for Wednesday 13 Nov 2013 has been cancelled (no quorum). Apologies for the short notice. The next scheduled meeting is on the Tue 3 Dec 2013.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Marine Discovery (Penzance) win 2013 Whale Watch Award in USA

to Duncan and Hannah of Marine Discovery, Penzance,
for winning the 2013 Responsible Whale Watch Award at the International Whale Watch Conference at
Cruiseport, Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA.
The short list included operators Portugal,
Australia, Ireland, Tonga,
Italy and Madeira.
You can
read more about the awards at here and from the Marine Discovery Facebook site
The Chamber Committee Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 12 November has had to be rescheduled for a second time to the following day - Wednesday 13 Nov (5.45 pm at the The Wharfside Centre Conference Room - on the top floor near the 'Management Office').
As with all
Chamber Committee meetings all members are welcome to attend if they wish to do
so. Prospective members are welcome to
attend but should contact the Chairman for an invitation.
You can download the agenda here.
You can download the agenda here.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Chamber Committee Meeting postponed until 12 Nov 2013 (5.45 pm)
The Chamber Committee Meeting scheduled in error for Guy Fawkes Night has been
postponed one week to Tuesday 12 November (5.45 pm, The Wharfside Centre Conference Room).
As with all
Chamber Committee meetings all members are welcome to attend if they wish to do
so. Prospective members are welcome to
attend but should contact the Chairman for an invitation.
The agenda
for the meeting will be posted shortly.
Dick Cliffe
Businesses invited to opening of new Business Centre (Pz360).
Bill and Sue Radmore, of Mount’s Bay Trading Ltd, are formally opening the old HMRC tax office building reborn as Pz360, a modern business centre, on Thursday 7 Nov 2013 from 3 pm to 6 pm.
Pop Up Penzance Crowdfunding Appeal!
Pop Up Penzance are seeking to raise £1800 to fund "Grandfather Frost’s
Christmas Depot "in Peasgoods (Market Jew St Penzance) this
Christmas. They are using 'crowdfunding' to raise the money through - a new Newquay-based online business (Crowdcube plc).
The campaign is one of 20
fundraising campaigns launched today (1 Nov 2013) by .
The campaign that raises the largest total on launch day (today 1 Nov 2013)
will receive an additional package of support from Crowdfunders. At 5.00 pm today Pop- Up Penzance was in the lead with £915 raised.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Members' Meeting 3 Oct - Agenda
The agenda for the Members' Meeting on Thursday 3 Oct in The Workbox (see previous post) can be found here .
Members are encouraged to attend - please let us know if you are coming by emailing .
Businesses that are not Chamber members are welcome to attend by invitation (please email the Secretary at the email address and express an interest).
Members are encouraged to attend - please let us know if you are coming by emailing .
Businesses that are not Chamber members are welcome to attend by invitation (please email the Secretary at the email address and express an interest).
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Chamber Members’ Meeting 3 Oct 2013 (5.45 pm) – The Work Box
There will be a Chamber Members’ Meeting in The Workbox on Thursday 3 Oct at 5.45pm (for 6.00 pm meeting start). The agenda will include.
* A briefing on the Penzance Workbox and what if offers small
businesses and freelancers.
* Guest speaker Guy Thomas, Cornwall Council’s Town Centre
Management Specialist, speaking on Town Centre issues and related Council initiatives.
* A briefing on the timetable for the Penzance Business
Improvement District.
* The Sainsbury’s Section 106 agreement . What should the priorities for spending be?
Click here to read the agreement.
Note: Penzance Chamber of
Commerce has no control over the spending of Section 106 funds but needs to
know its members’ priorities iwhen consulted on the matter).
Friday, 6 September 2013
Penzance Business Improvement District (BID)
Last night the Penzance BID Steering Group met Cornwall
Council’s BID Development Officer (Joseyanne Thatcher) for the first time in
the Queens Hotel. Joseyanne briefed the
members on BIDs in general and the plan to guide them through the process to create a Penzance BID.
A Penzance BID has the potential to raise ~£190,000 year for businesses to spend on measures to improve the local trading environment. The BID has a 5 year life after which businesses can decide to renew it for a further 5 years.
The first item on the agenda was to select a Steering Group Chairman. Eventaully, succumbing to pressure, Marcus Wilkinson (Alfred Smiths) agreed to fill the post.
A relatively cautious BID development timetable was agreed with the ballot of businesses expected at the end of 2014.
Click here for British BID’s concise brief on BIDs.
A Penzance BID has the potential to raise ~£190,000 year for businesses to spend on measures to improve the local trading environment. The BID has a 5 year life after which businesses can decide to renew it for a further 5 years.
The first item on the agenda was to select a Steering Group Chairman. Eventaully, succumbing to pressure, Marcus Wilkinson (Alfred Smiths) agreed to fill the post.
A relatively cautious BID development timetable was agreed with the ballot of businesses expected at the end of 2014.
Click here for British BID’s concise brief on BIDs.
Click here for Josyanne Thatcher’s presentation to the Pz BID SG 5 Sep 13 (Powerpoint)
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
DfT annouces £8 Million for Harbour Works
The Department of Transport has issued a press release (here) confirming that it
is contributing £8 million towards harbour improvements for St Mary’s Harbour and Penzance Harbour Work can
go ahead subject to final clearances and the securing of European funding.
The press release said simply that the work involves dredging at Penzance and pier widening and improved freight handling facilities at St Mary’s.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Penzance Business Improvement District (BID) 'Kick-Off' - 5 Sep 2013
Penzance BID preparations kick off on Thursday 5 Sep in the Queens Hotel (17.45 for 18.00 start). The Penzance BID Steering Group will meet with Josyanne Thatcher, Cornwall Council’s BID Development Officer for the first time. Josyanne will be briefing the Steering Group on the BID development process and the timetable for the Penzance BID.
Also on the agenda for Thursday is definition of the Penzance BID boundary – the area within which business ratepayers will be paying the BID levy.
You can view the BID boundary used to confirm the viability of a Penzance BID here. A 2% levy on business rates in this area raises approximately £185,000/year (both St Austell and Camborne have choosen a 2% levy).
The Penzance BID Steering Group (membership here) met for the first time (without Cornwall Council involvement) on 9 July 2013. Meeting notes are available here.
For a concise explanation of a BID go to ‘British BIDs’ here .
Chamber Committee Meeting - Tuesday 3 Sep 2013
The Chamber Committee Meeting scheduled for 3 September will take place Wharfside Centre Conference Room at 17.45. The agenda can be found here.
The minutes of the last meeting (2 July 2013) can be found here.
All Chamber Committee Meetings are open to Chamber members to attend if they wish. The Committee encourages prospective members to attend, please contact the Chairman for an invitation.
The October Committee Meeting will take place on Tuesday 1 October at 17.45. Venue to be confirmed but likely to be the same venue.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Next Committee Meeting - 3 September 2013
In line with past years there will be no Committee meeting in August. The September meeting will take place on 3 September 2013 (17.45 hrs), venue to be confirmed.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Chamber & PDTA Stall at Quay Fair - Visit Us
The PDTA and Chamber shared the cost of a pitch for Mazey Day to promote the Penzance Discovery Map and
managed to sell 450 at the promotional price of £1 - we were well pleased with the level of interest which had been lifted by publicity in the Cornishman.
We have a stall in the Quay Fair located in Coinagehall Street tomorrow (Sunday 30th)
with the same promotion running (maps for £1, no voucher required).
The Discovery Map
has been well received and appears to ‘scratch the itch’ that many residents
have which is that Penzance has lots to offer
but we don’t encourage people to find out out about it and enjoy it.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Chamber Committee Meetings 4 June 2013 - Agenda
The Committee Meeting scheduled for 4th June will take place Wharfside Centre Conference Room at 17.45. The agenda can be found here.
The July Chamber Committee Meetings is planned for 2 July 2013 and is expected to be in the same venue.
All Chamber Committee Meetings are open to Chamber members to attend if they wish. The Committee encourages prospective members to attend, please contact the Chairman for an invitation.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Thurs 9 May Event - A Postcard to Penzance (The Exchange)
The Exchange Gallery is hosting a series of events to encourage thinking about Penzance's future. It kicks off this Thursday 6-8pm. Booking is essential but very simple - follow the link in the text below (taaken from the Exchange website)
This event is open to the public generally. It is important that businesses, and especially Town Centre businesses, are well represented.
See below for details.
Committee Meeting postponed to 14 May 2013
The Committee Meeting scheduled for 7 May has been postponed until 14 May (17.45 hrs in the Wharfside Centre Conference Room). This is necessary because the Chairman and several other Committee members are unable to attend.
The Chamber Committee Meeting in June is scheduled for 4th June.
The Committee is looking to hold a Member's Meeting in The Workbox - Penzance's new workhub facility in Penlowarth House (the old HMRC building). The date of this meeting is dependent upon availability of a guest speaker and the venue.
Agenda can be found here.
The Chamber Committee Meeting in June is scheduled for 4th June.
The Committee is looking to hold a Member's Meeting in The Workbox - Penzance's new workhub facility in Penlowarth House (the old HMRC building). The date of this meeting is dependent upon availability of a guest speaker and the venue.
Agenda can be found here.
Monday, 15 April 2013
IOS Transport Policy - Going Nowhere
Friends of Isles of Scilly Transport are pressing for exploration of a reduced winter ferry service (funded by a subsidy) to alleviate the transport problem of islanders in the winter. The DfT is saying that there does not appear to be a problem that the private sector cannot fix and the private sector needs to be given time to do so. The assumption is that all was well with IOS transport until the helicopter service was withdrawn – well it was not which is why the Route Partnership sought to improve matters. The Penzance Chamber of Commerce Chairman's perspective is given below.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Business breakfast with Grant Shapps MP, Conservative Party Chairman
Members of the Penzance business community met with the Rt Hon. Grant
Shapps, MP, Chairman of the Conservative Party, and Derek Thomas, PPC for the St
Ives constituency, at a breakfast meeting held at Hotel Penzance yesterday,
Friday 12 April. The event had been
sponsored by the owners of the Wharfside Shopping Centre and included
representation across the political spectrum.
Amongst the guests were Marcus Wilkinson (Alfred Smiths), Tim Dwelly
(The WorkBox – Penlowarth), Rebecca Farrington (Poolside Indulgence,) Robin
Turner and Julian Cardew (Walkers Jewellers.
Read more about the event here.
Penzance was looking its very best from the balcony
of the The Bay Restaurant. It is hard to
be a doom-monger for Penzance on a lovely
morning like yesterday. The meeting was constructive with the business community's concerns well articulated and attentively listen to. What can and will be done about some of these issues is another matter.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Chamber Meeting (Election Special) - Update
The Penzance Chamber
of Commerce Members’ Meeting on Tue 16th April in the Queens Hotel, Penzance, starts at 7.00 pm. The agenda can be found here.
Following representations
from political parties it has been agreed that each party spokesperson plus the
3 independent candidates will speak for 3 minutes each to summarize their manifesto
and identify their priorities . This
will be followed by an extended Q&A session where all Cornwall Council
candidates will have opportunities to participate.
identified so far:
Dem: Ruth Lewarne
Labour: Tim Dwelly
Conservative: Michael Rabbitte
Kernow: Rob Simmons
Party: Michelle Paine
Independent: John Moreland
Independent: Jim McKenna
UKIP: Stuart Guppy
UKIP: Stuart Guppy
The meeting is open to all Cornwall Council election candidates, Chamber Members, and Penzance Town Team Reps.
Other business owners can attend by invitation (email and will only be refused if the room is full.
Extract from Penzance Portas Bid (Jun 2012) summarizing vision and opportunities: click here
Extract from Penzance Portas Bid (Jun 2012) summarizing vision and opportunities: click here
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Chamber Members Meeting "Election Special' on 16 Apr 2013
There is a
Chamber Members' Meeting on Tue 16th April at 19.00 hrs in the Queens Hotel, Penzance. The purpose of the meeting is for Members
to meet and hear from candidates in the forthcoming Cornwall Council Elections.
The meeting will start with an update to Chamber Members presented by the Chamber Chairman. This will be followed by election candidates pitching to local business people. We envisage that candidates will has about 3 minutes each to address the meeting. Members will be able to ask questions of candidates after all candidates have spoken.
Those Chamber members planning to attend should email so that we have an idea of numbers.
The meeting will start with an update to Chamber Members presented by the Chamber Chairman. This will be followed by election candidates pitching to local business people. We envisage that candidates will has about 3 minutes each to address the meeting. Members will be able to ask questions of candidates after all candidates have spoken.
Those Chamber members planning to attend should email so that we have an idea of numbers.
Candidates should contact Dick Cliffe, Chamber Chairman directly on 01736 331734 or by email at
Committee Meetings Agenda for 2 Apr 2013
The Chamber Committee meets tonight at 17.45 hrs in the Wharfside Centre Conference Room (top floor, follow signs for 'Management Office). The meetings is open for Chamber members to attend and also prospective members should they wish to do so. The agenda can be found here . See next post of details of our 'Election Special' Chamber Members Meetings at the Queens Hotel on 16th April.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Kim Conchie, Cornwall Chamber visits Penzance Workhub Premises
Plans for the new workhub on the 4th floor of the
Penlowarth House are moving ahead promptly with the opening due towards the end
of April. Kim Conchie, Chief Executive
of Cornwall Chamber of Commerce was given a guided tour of the premises on 12th
Mar accompanied by Tim Dwelly and Janet Ross from ‘The WorkBox’ and Dick Cliffe
(Penzance Chamber Chairman). The meeting
was followed by the first meeting of the The Workbox ‘Jobs Panel’ which includes
representatives from Truro &
Penwith College,
Penwith Community Development Trust and the Penzance Chamber.
People potentially interested in using the facilities should
download the brochure here.
Friday, 8 March 2013
Guardian coverage of Penzance
For those feeling deflated by all the negative press Penzance gets read Tom Dyckhoff's piece in the Guardian Newspaper about "Let's move to Penzance" . It is a timely reminder of just what Penzance has going for it. Click here for the article.
Friday, 1 March 2013
Committee Meeting on Tue 5 Mar at 17.45 - Members welcome
There is a Chamber Committee Meeting in the Wharfside Centre
Conference Room (top floor - follow signs for 'Management Office') on Tue 5 March at 17.45. This
is an open meeting and any member is welcome to attend. Prospective
members are welcome to attend by invitation (please just email or
telephone the Chairman first).
The meeting agenda can be found here.
The meeting agenda can be found here.
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Pz Chamber AGM 19th Feb 2013 - Meeting Agenda
The Chamber’s Annual General Meeting takes place on Tuesday 19
February starting at 6.00 pm. There will
be break at 6.45 prior to our guest speaker, Andrew George MP addressing
members at approximately 7.00 pm.
The AGM agenda can be found here.
Any business not a member of the Penzance Chamber of
Commerce that wishes to attend should contact the Chairman.
Friday, 15 February 2013
Penzance Work Hub to fill 3rd Floor of old Tax Office
Penzance will have its own 'work hub' providing facilities for professionals, freelancers and start up businesses from April this year. The new work hub, named the Workbox by Tim Dwelly, the founder of the project, is going to have some of the best views of any work hub facility in the UK because it is on the third floor of the Penlowarth Building (the old Tax Office) adjacent to Morrab Gardens.
Approximately 50% of the £250,000 funding came from the Business Catalyst Fund. The Penzance Chamber of Commerce lobbied the LEP to support this worthwhile project which will provide a supportive enviroment for start businesses and those who have recently become self employed.
Find out more about the Penzance Workbox here (Facebook site)
Approximately 50% of the £250,000 funding came from the Business Catalyst Fund. The Penzance Chamber of Commerce lobbied the LEP to support this worthwhile project which will provide a supportive enviroment for start businesses and those who have recently become self employed.
Find out more about the Penzance Workbox here (Facebook site)
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Penzance to follow St Austell on BID path.
St Austell voted yes to a Business Improvement District by a whopping 75% on 31 January. The Town now joins Truro, Newquay, Falmouth and Camborne as BID towns. Truro is on its second 5 year BID stint having relatively recently voted in favour of renewing it for another 5 years.
The Chamber Chairman, Dick Cliffe, confirmed with Josyanne Thatcher, BID Development Officer, Cornwall Council, that Penzance is scheduled to start the process in May this year with the startup cost of £20,000 funded out of the Sainsburys Section 106 funds earmarked by Penzance Town Council for this purpose.
A meeting of the Penzance Town Team will be called in the next couple of week to start the process of setting up a Penzance BID Steering Group. This group will be responsible for developing the proposal that businesses will eventually vote upon. For the BID to be approved over 50% of business must vote for it and the 50% must represent over 50% of the rateable value of the BID businesses.
See Cornishman online news item dated 6 Feb here.
See the St Austell BID Proposal here (highly informative).
Friday, 8 February 2013
Penzance Chamber AGM - Queens Hotel 19 Feb 2013
The Chamber’s AGM takes place on Tuesday 19 February in the The Queen’s Hotel, Penzance starting at 6.00 pm. We are please to welcome Andrew George MP as our guest speaker. The calling notice and draft agenda can be found here.
Chamber member who uses email but has not received the calling notice directly
should email the Chairman immediately.
Monday, 4 February 2013
Chamber Committee Meeting - Tue 5 Feb at 17.45
There is a Chamber Committee Meeting in the Wharfside Centre Conference Room (top floor - follow signs for 'Management Office'. This is an open meeting and any member is welcome to attend. Prospective members are welcome to attend by invitation (please just email or telephone the Chairman first).
The meeting agenda can be found here.
The meeting agenda can be found here.
Friday, 11 January 2013
IOS Council Press Release - Transport Issues
Follow the link below for the Isles of Scilly Council’s press
statement today which follows some criticism about its low profile and alleged
inactivity during the ongoing winter transport crisis for the Isles of Scilly which had seen even pensioners resorting to to taking a Jet Boat (RIB) to get to the mainland when all air routes have been closed out of Scilly.
The future of IOS transport links is an important issue for Penzance because although the islands are 40 miles away they are an important 'economic suburb' of Penzance with millions of pounds spent in the economy by islanders, island businesses and visitors transiting through Penzance.
Council of the Isles of Scilly Press Statement: here
Chamber of Commerce Comment.
The Chamber and FRIST support all of the proposed
infrastructure projects (improvements to Penzance
and St Mary’s Harbours, improvements to St Mary’s Airport and Lands End
The Chamber perspective is that the infrastructure improvements
are necessary but not enough to sustain the community and its tourism based economy. We believe it will be impossible for the
Steamship Company to replace the Scillonian without public help and that
without a ferry to back up highly weather dependent fixed wing services mass
tourism to Scilly will shrink due to high ticket prices and uncertainty over
travel. The vessel is already restricted
in the numbers it can carry (432 + crew) and the conditions it can sail in.
Monday, 7 January 2013
Chamber Meeting 8 Jan (17.45)
There is a Chamber Committee Meeting on Tuesday 8 January at 17.45 (earlier than normal) in the Wharfside Centre Conference Room (2nd floor - follow signs to "Management Office"). The meeting is open to all Chamber members to attend if they wish. Prospective members should contact the Chairman if they would like to attend (not normally an issue).
The agenda for the meetings can be found here
The agenda for the meetings can be found here
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