Monday, 14 April 2014

Old Gas Works Site - New Planning Application

Most local people following the 'Old Gasworks Site' story thought work would start on the retirement flats complex this Spring. It appears however that Churchill Retirement Living have recently submitted revised plans (PA14/02530) and the start of construction will be delayed until Feb 2015. Any comments should be submitted by 29 Apr.

The site has been vacant for decades, is privately owned and has a chequered planning history. The site was owned by Olympian Homes who had planning permission for a mixed use development involving a budget hotel, office space, flats and retail/commercial units. This development collapsed after future leaseholder(s) backed out. Churchill Retirement Living then proposed a development involving 60 private sheltered housing units and 4 commercial units (ground floor). This proposal was turned down by Cornwall Council initially but succeeded at appeal.  Churchill Retirement Living Ltd currently own the site.

The revised plans deliver the same functionally but there are internal improvements (more lifts and more flats have sea views) and exterior design refinements to improve the fit with Hanover Court and the Wharfside Shopping Centre either side. The Section 106 agreement (draft) provides a contribution for affordable housing off-site.

The planning application PA14/02530 is open for comments until 29 April.You can access Cornwall Council's planning portal here.

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